


Learn French Online

French Flash Cards

There are tens of thousands of website offering to help you learn French, and I have only included those here which I have found helpful.   Most are completely free, although a few of them have some paid content.

We remember 20% of what we read, 30% of what we hear, and about 90% of what we see, hear, say and do.  (Source: BBC)  Therefore, use every available means to learn French.  Read French, listen to French, speak French, surround yourself with French!  These links will help you do just that.

Children        Video         TV         Health

Online lessons (including audio) and resources

Lexique FLE

French Tutorial

BBC Languages

Open University free French language resources

Français  (English Language version:  Lots of French listening exercises  Audio and video lessons - lots of free resources, downloadables, video lessons etc

I E Languages    

Oh La La, I Speak French - 10 minute fun video lessons



Français Interactif

Le Point du FLE - Education  A great website (in French) for conjugating verbs, rules (règles) etc and learning exercises

Languages Directory

Language Guide

Learn French by Podcast (free sample lessons)

Jeu de l'oie

Bonjour de France 

French for Dummies

French Linguistics

Très bien French

Learn French with TV5 (television channel) - intermediate/advanced level

Podcast français facile

CIEL - exercises

French Today - lots of pay-for lessons, but useful free blog and tips on Facebook

French word of the day Language learning community

French numbers - click "options" for a listening quiz

RFI Langue Français

Accelerated Learning:  French

Quizzes and study-aids (Quizlet)

Bien Dire Magazine - interactive exercises  several free lessons to download (e.g. 'Learn French with Alexa') - you may need to click on 'Languages' in left hand column, then 'French'

Free French Audio Books

Learn French with Alexa

News in Slow French

Coffee Break French

Learn French Lab

Radio Lingua

Les Français et vous

Comme une Française lots of useful videos

Speak:  Econtrader  Vocabulary builder  Picture dictionary, grammar lessons & audio/reading exercises   Free lessons:  beginner 1 & 2, intermediate & advanced

Lawless French


Many of the French teaching websites have Facebook or Twitter accounts.  Click on "like" or "follow" on their websites so you can receive updates in your newsfeed.


If you cannot access French lessons locally, this website helps you find an online tutor for individual lessons via Skype (the "community tutors" are cheaper - choose a native speaker).


Dictionaries & Translators

Reverso  dictionary, verb conjugator etc

Linguee  dictionary, translator - gives several examples of word/phrase in context


Google Translate

Picture dictionary



Practice your French!

Speak Mania

My Language Exchange



French Films Free Online - with subtitles

The French Guy

French for beginners

Radio Lingua

You Learn French

Learn French

Français Authentique

French 4 kids

French Soo Easy

Accelerated Learning:  French

French Lessons

Le Corner French Bistro

French Video Audio Lessons

Childrens Stories in French (with subtitles)

Learn French with famous songs (with French and English subtitles)

Chansons pour étudier le Français (vidéos & paroles)

French songs with lyrics -a YouTube playlist

Songs for learning French

YouTube videos for children learning French

French stories for children to read along




Watch French TV online


France 2

France 3


TV5 (available on Sky channel 799)



Le film français - French films with subtitles

Watch French TV online - click on France in left hand column

Listen to French - short extracts of French TV programmes, with subtitles

Sons en Français - TV and film extracts


What's on French TV


What's your level?

European Language Levels

Test your level


French keyboard characters

Type French characters on your keyboard  - type, copy, paste into your document


The Subjunctivator !   Find out which phrases required the subjunctive


Social Media

Use Facebook & Twitter feeds for mini-lessons and words-of-the-day!

Simply search for "learn french" for a list of French learning pages and then click on "like" or "follow"





BBC The Lingo Show 4-5

BBC Primary French 5-11

BBC Primary French 10-11

Languages Online

You Tube - French for children

You Tube - French 4 kids

You Tube - French Alphabet

You Tube - animated French songs for children

Disney Junior (french version of the TV channel`s website)

Childrens Stories in French (with subtitles)

French games for children - safety focus

Digital Dialects - French learning games

Languages Online - French games

Up to  games and activities

Primary Games Arena

French Penguinz - Fun rather than educational, but instructions are in French!

Ideas for teaching children

French songs (You Tube) for children

Mon Ludo  Videos, games & activities

Voir dessins animés  Watch your favourite cartoons online!

Speak:  Econtrader  Vocabulary builder

Hello World - French lessons, games & activities

Les Comptines - Nursery Rhymes

YouTube videos for children learning French

French stories for children to read along

Picture dictionary

Le Petit Prince: Audiobook  Read in French with English, French & Spanish subtitles (YouTube)





Bilingual (French/English) Health Information

      Carol Vivyan 2012      All rights reserved

The French Flash Cards can be used for private use and for use by individual French teachers who have purchased the card set.  They may not be copied, shared, resold or used for other commercial purposes.


Contact   carol.vivyan(at)

When emailing, replace (at) with @ in the email address







